by Chris Holmes | Aug 3, 2020 | Shift Happens E-mail
For Pondering: Feel the rhythm of this week and find a way to add your own soul.
by Chris Holmes | Jul 27, 2020 | Shift Happens E-mail
For Pondering: Sukhasana is a Sanskrit word meaning the pose of comfort or pleasure. Amidst all of your activity this week, remember to build in the postures that bring you comfort and pleasure.
by Chris Holmes | Jul 20, 2020 | Shift Happens E-mail
For Pondering: In your living this week, what fences need to be refashioned into possibilities?
by Chris Holmes | Jul 13, 2020 | Shift Happens E-mail
For Pondering: Yes there is a pandemic, yes there are protests, yes life is intense right now…and yes, it is also important to find a way to relax.
by Chris Holmes | Jul 6, 2020 | Shift Happens E-mail
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” -Abraham Lincoln (redacted)
by Chris Holmes | Jun 29, 2020 | Shift Happens E-mail
For Pondering: 10% is what happens. 90% is attitude.