by Chris Holmes | Mar 30, 2020 | Shift Happens E-mail
For Pondering: Texting is fine, email is OK, tweeting is adequate. Who do you need to pick up the phone and have a conversation with this week?
by Chris Holmes | Mar 23, 2020 | Shift Happens E-mail
For Pondering: What keeps you moving north, when everything around you is headed south?
by Chris Holmes | Mar 16, 2020 | Shift Happens E-mail
A Celtic prayer for Pondering: “Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit, Christ when I stand, Christ in the heart of...
by Chris Holmes | Mar 9, 2020 | Shift Happens E-mail
For Pondering: According to the Institute for Criminal Policy Research at the University of London, as of 2016 an estimated 10.35 million people were imprisoned worldwide. Today please pray for them.
by Chris Holmes | Mar 2, 2020 | Shift Happens E-mail
For Pondering: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” ~Ronald Reagan
by Chris Holmes | Feb 24, 2020 | Shift Happens E-mail
For Pondering: What would it look like to live in full integrity with your deepest self, with God, and with All? What would be different, and what would be the same?