Lamp lit
For Pondering: "Hope is patience with the lamp lit." ~Tertullian
For Pondering: Tread lightly and look upon others with soft eyes. We are all feeling a bit fragile right now.
Back to School
For Pondering: PRAY for parents, THANK a teacher, HELP OUT a kid.
Department of Labor
For Pondering: The US Department of Labor was formed 107 years ago. More than a century supporting and protecting American workers.
Keep Going
For Pondering: Start by starting. Then don't let up even when it gets hard.
For Pondering: The Latin root of Enthusiasm is "within God." Do what you must do this week with enthusiasm!
Elephant in the Room
For Pondering: I received so many clever responses to last week's post that I must share a few. There were 15 variations of "the elephant in the room": "Ignoring the elephant in the room never stops the elephant from destroying the room." "Elephant in the room?...
Beastly Behavior
For Pondering: OK, I could not come up with a question or a quote for this intriguing photograph, so I want to crowdsource your most creative response. Please share what you come up with....
For Pondering: Feel the rhythm of this week and find a way to add your own soul.
For Pondering: Sukhasana is a Sanskrit word meaning the pose of comfort or pleasure. Amidst all of your activity this week, remember to build in the postures that bring you comfort and pleasure.