Old Habits
For Pondering: This week, lose the old habits that no longer serve your changed circumstance.

For Pondering: In hiking and climbing you are sometimes trail guide, sometimes Sherpa, sometimes encourager. This week, may you find the role you most need to fill on this leg of your adventure.

For Pondering: Consider the merit of focusing more on crossing the starting line, than the finish line.
Break the Rules
For Pondering: "Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist." ~Pablo Picasso

God’s Beautiful Creation
For Pondering: Different colors + same shape + all belong = God's Beautiful Creation

For Pondering: He is Risen! Truly, all else pales.

Tax Return
For Pondering: "The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it's just sort of a tired feeling." ~ Paula Poundstone

Find Joy
For Pondering: Joy this vibrant is the result of having fully lived life. May your living this week lead to such joy.

Yi Peng Festival
For Pondering: Each of these sky lanterns is released with a wish and a prayer at the annual Yi Peng Festival in Thailand. What wish and prayer would you add this week?

Story Telling
For Pondering: Relating the story of you, the real story, not the polished one, is an essential element of "showing up" in any relationship. Trust that others are ready to receive the authentic, imperfect and vulnerable you. It is the best you can offer.
