Vector Calendar
For Pondering: Fast-forward another 12 months to the end of 2019. Now look back. What major contribution will you have made as your gifts combine to meet the world's needs?
Hopes and Fears
For Pondering: Tonight take all your fears about the way things are, and all your hopes for what can be, and lay them before a small child.
Getting Ready
For Pondering: I know there is something important I should be getting ready for... I just can't remember what it is.
For Pondering: This week indulge yourself just a bit and engage in whatever helps you relax.
Digital Connection
For Pondering: Digital communication is a powerful form of connection, capable of great good. Adopt an attitude of "learn and embrace" rather than "resist and condemn."
For Pondering: There are many ways to feel out a situation. This week use your intuition as your feelers.
For Pondering: This week, I challenge you to look at the world through soft eyes, and see gratitude in all things.
For Pondering: Some of wars greatest scars are not physical; they are mental. Today, please pray for veterans who struggle with PTSD and other psychological scars.
For Pondering: Vote tomorrow. It is not only your constitutional right, it is a privilege.
Storms of Life
For Pondering: "When the storms of life are rolling, stand by me..." ~ Horatio Spafford What allows you to say, "It is well with my soul, even in stormy weather."?