For Pondering: Scary is one thing, but Halloween has become "over the top" morbid, gruesome, and menacing. What can you do this year to return a bit of innocence to this children's fun night?
For Pondering: "Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory." -Mahatma Gandhi
For Pondering: Today, celebrate the terrain over which you have traveled in life, including the mountains along the way and the people who climbed them with you.
Compass Point
For Pondering: Those who landed in 1492 discovered that a slight change in the degree of your trajectory can carry you to a very different place. What 2 degree change could you make to reorient where you are headed?
Stand Out
For Pondering: May your authentic joy cause you to stand out in the crowd this week.
Pray for Kids
For Pondering: If you have not yet taken time to do so, pray for the children you know who are back to school and making new friends.
Helping People
For Pondering: Have you found a tangible way to help those who have been affected by recent national disasters?
Beautiful Feet
For Pondering: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Romans 10:15