For Pondering: You are never too old to huddle with friends who you trust, souls who share your journey, the people who simply make life rich. Don't let those connections slip away, give them the attention they deserve.
For Pondering: "Embrace your sweat. It is your essence and your emancipation." — Kristin Armstrong, American cyclist
For Pondering: "If at first you don't succeed, try doing it the way mom told you to in the beginning." - Unknown HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
For Pondering: I have spent thousands of dollars on gas, maintenance and repairs for my gas powered car in the last 3 years. In the same amount of time, my wife's Tesla, powered by solar panels on our roof, has only needed new tires once. Huh...
May Day
For Pondering Mayday is an international distress signal, and May Day is a holiday celebration of Spring. Which does your coming week resemble?
For Pondering: This week may you be charmed and enchanted by the simplest of joys.
For Pondering: “Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby”― Langston Hughes
Risen Today
For Pondering: "Christ the Lord is risen today, Earth and heaven in chorus say, Raise your joys and triumphs high, Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply, Alleluia!" -Charles Wesley
No Cross No Crown
For Pondering: "No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown." – William Penn
For Pondering: "Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life." - John Updike